Wednesday, December 8, 2010


To bring the heart,

a heart sullen yet pounding still, to bring the heart out

at November sunset,

one must have turned.

To write in the minutes past twilight.

The mind becomes still.

As the the heart rages on.

Afraid of the dullness in the sky, above broken hands that reach always for the bright planet.

Hoping the turning dead leaves crisp and twirl all night even as the evening fallls,

The hope of days past will visit now and again in these turning leaves,

these dying leaves turning in the ceaseless battle of winter's arrival.

I know you said all worlds are not the same, once you said that to me.

But this one sparks a memory of a small brush fire, warming my Muskogean hands

ripped by bark and briar,

Yes this small twilight, this end of a day

sparks the fires of memory-

Of brittle leaves turning.

Of a brittle soul turning and turning,

always in the wind.


Monday, November 22, 2010


Leaning on the railing above the waves, your safe, handsome mouth soothing my crazy mind with magic words that only you knew: "Our secret apricot mornings for the night time things that scare you so. Tell me you hear me, so I don't worry."

"And my Dear One, take my heart: this big thing for your worry." And you thumped your chest, shirtless and dark. We shelled through the salt sand, stranded forevr in the sad-beauty of summer til it turned brown and crisp & you returned back to Cambridge and left me to my poems and fears.

The planet turned and the winter raged, ice melted and when the summer sun flashed in my eyes,you'd return again and pick up where we left off,

I see Rome I see Madrid I see Berlin! You were a boy at the end of your life chasing the surf & twirling your shadow.

and oh how I loved you for that. And that blackbear hair of yours that just needed an ivy crown and hawk feathers to turn you into a bare chested Druid King in board shorts.

I see Neptune I see Venus, no, Im not kidding... I ....really do........see Venus right, you mumbled as your lips touched mine under an August moon.

I couldnt stop myself from loving them forever. I stopped trying again this year.

I see Jupiter I see Mars I see Mercury.

But I couldn't see the Earth with all it's dangers and traps set just for you.

Now Earth just turns and the seasons unravel as I try to hold on:

as lost and unknown as a magic hawk feather that blows forev'r unfound across a winter beach & I can't feel a fucking thing without you, Jem.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Barnburner Edit

Before the moon rises over blue fields,

I'll set my mystic heart in motion to the silent weaving of twilight,

in the gentle arms of darkened, silent rooms, we will seek each other-

surge over silver cirrus and wheatfields, swept up by the roar of our sea.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Revenant III

Distant as the summer wave . I drowned there.

Quiet as the snowy night. I let my spirit rise.

Two ruddy hawks and a hand full of regret. My heart pumps sand painted midnight blue.

Harpsichord tremblings jitters my veins and I don't remember anymore.

I write myself notes, stuff inkblot pages with phaded photos and try to lie under the world,

one more time escape the vicious radar of a place I can't touch, with hands that can't feel.

Dear God, My God, don't let them remember me.