Monday, October 18, 2010

The Emancipation of Pegasus

I carried the wind from town to town, strange hungers kept me alive.

Many cars and storms passed me be, the ice melted over Neptune

where I lost my way in the bends and curves.

The dreaming never ends, the waking never begins.

The dreamer becomes the ocean at last. Alone and full of every lost moment,

as many as stars in the sky. As many as the doubts in my bones.

As many as the rip-cord questions I rev up my ghost with.

Falling from loose vines from here to a rip-tide.

A rip-cord a rip-tide a ring around the rosie.

A rip-tide a sui-cide a pocket full of posies.

So I just drown.

No one but Luna can breathe life into me but she's gone dreaming the dream.

Years pass and the sea and the sun have bleached my beach-bones white as I rest freezing

in the winter sun. Alone at last, I'm free and gone dreaming.