Friday, June 4, 2010

Call Me Tango Blue

Under a shift of sun

and planets wobbly and weak

The backwood fires are lit:

Just call me Tango.

I erupt in light and seek the days

Like pebbles roiled by the ocean's churn.

Nights will bleed the true sap of soul

in magic increments

Til pride concedes to visionary confession.

Here is where my steel shoulder glows with oak-lites

and here is where the wafted voice of the evening shudder comes:

Tango Evening, Tango Blue -

Tango Blue Stars, Tango Eye,

Seek your worldly dance inside this magic glass

of suns and water and time.

Before I lay my head to sleep in twilight blooms:

Safe birds calling to me,

Tango Blue, Tango Blue, Tango Twilight Blue!

After the weaver-bird skips my soul like a warm stone across the sky,

I ordain myself without permission, Tango Blue.

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