Tuesday, June 1, 2010


In dreams broken bells trickle down:

"It's over, you failed."

Winds surge forth from the banks

and stir and toss all sound.

Ghosted, I hold my hands at night to a ghastly skull

filled with mystery and memorys.

The storm is unrelenting

The free fall never ends

As I die calling to you every morning

and walk thru haunted days, a ghost

That no one sees-

except you.

Your eyes burned the back of my neck today

as a papery flower fluttered off my desk,

I turned to greet the windy storm

And I felt you walk right through me,

I heard the ocean & I smelled lilacs ;

and felt a hundred butterflys dancing in my veins.

You've returned for me at last.


  1. Congratulations on your new blog, CK!

    I haven't read all the poems yet but I especially like this one, "Haunted".


  2. Thank you for coming by my freind. Great to "see" you. ((((((((diane))))))))))

