Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Star-Trap Zephyr Brigade

An Anthem

Plaguelands and grimy battalions of heroes and pups

the slow ache between the ribs and beyond

all control waning for a pocket full of stuffed torsos-

Who amongst you dare to deny Mars his fiery year of fight?

Victory and variance, such careening variance of fathom-less might?

Stake the skulls and amp the ramps the smoke of War is in sight.

Lost like the wayward virile lines of the Ghost's verse

I sway myself over through the winds and gone again

wondering who made your heart so calm and fading?

Not the crimson eyed God of War,

for these wars roll on and on, beyond the luminaries now-

drift, planet, drift away from the final, fitful spasm of the unseen vein.

Coil'd like the serpent in some balmy almond day

some lost day when the bright eyed eagle swooped low

with his creatured Prometheus by his side, swaggering eagle.

With sharp scissored smiles and our dreams in chains

The predators awoke and smoothed mountains to scale

as Venus rose lovely and longingly o'er the shadowy veil.

Drill Sgt. Zephyr marches the drum-brigades all through the Night

hunting Orion and torching celestial barricades

just below the white death serpent-plowing fists of poppies singing sweet so sweet, for our Captain.

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