Wednesday, June 9, 2010


You said I was mystic

singing vodka hymns 'neath Orion

with the dark Earth

on my hands

and the four winds in my hair.

Remembering you, I seek your voice beneath the

moon's every phase.

I have followed your voice on the winds

so long,

so long.

Come home again inside the drifting

circle of another year

where our tender twilight time awaits.

You'll know I am around

as the evening grows cool and magic lites

appear upon the beach plums

where I wait for you.

Come home to my heart;

within this mystic circle

We made so long ago,

so that we may burn up the world,

burn down,

burn away,

burn blissful evenings asleep

burn with love and time,

O when the fireflys float and blend

with sweet summer


let me burn up like Heaven and Earth

in those

long-lost arms forever


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