Friday, June 4, 2010

The Cometed Universe of the Failing Poet (In 10 Breaths)

The sun erupted like lily-blooms
in my eyes just before the dreaming woke me.

All through the divinity
I crawl & forgive.

Comets growled in the beginning-
They lit me up like a terrorist's fuse.
And now-once again, the growling persists.

Hats in tangles- these wild souls shine
their godly light upon me.

Whinter whites are on the whay
but all I can do is smile and spit.

All along the faded drum-beat of Night
my words will burn up, like comets
trying to stretch faster through the atmosphere.

Rivers of time runneth over
into my empty cup.

Angrier spirits than I have thrived.
But sadder things have perished.

Songs of stars come closer
to me now than ever before.

Glow of moon-beam thrill my acheing breast!
I shall adore myself before I fall through this Earth.

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