Monday, June 14, 2010

Lucid Prayer

A wholly exempt strain of verse has crept
And has made me travel one laughing street
Of desire and churches
This flammable rock and resolve.
I owe the world this song
I have lingered in the rain too long
And sun bursting and soothing my head
Is just what the doctor ordered and said
I oughtta go now and suck up the pain
And dont worry bout what gets spilled in the drain
A train wreck of hopes has impeded and softly receded
As I stretch my tongue to catch my thoughts
O golden song release me now--

Release me to the dark night of what must be
So that I may feel the thrumming stars singing
in my shattered veins.

Ever hold me near my song my thoughts my dreams
I have not gained what was lost
In those primordial salt-flats and distant
Wing-beats of withered osprey wings
Tumult and summit and excite me for my
Days have grown weak and the mind
Will never accept that-
The heart will not acknowledge this-
The soul cannot even hear the words

Hotter summer months compass me
Towards lofty galaxies
So that I may speak again
In the tongue of my Native
Prose and prayers
This rock my earth can reel me thru the night
So that I might live one day
like I knew what it was for,
What it was driven on for-

To stand like a cloud and farther than that
To stand even as a minute gone by that knew it
Was missed and wanted-

I can pray all these days but none so strong
As that evening song
The mellow hymn that sprouts right here
In my forlorn city-dreading eye.
The smoke signal that outfoxes the glimmer
Of a society that has impeded me so.

To you, lucid prayer I ordain myself
A castaway romantic, a beggar of lost things:

this child's heart who waits always for the distant singing of the lost cities of stars.

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