Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday Through Red Eyes

Remember the vision thru gray heat and smoke

Rolling thru the city in summer-time with me?

How lost & dying we both were.
I can't accept that I'm still here.

Yesterday the world caved in on me

from below and above

sideways glittering and grinning

So I called on my ghost & scattered Araby quotes

in a drunken asylum of oak-lites.

That was so much better than doing nothing.

Wet, grandiose pledges soon dry by the mouth

of the solar panel love

that we tried so hard to attain.

(Drunk fucking ragtime.)

Now it's nothing

but Misunderstood November: The Flip Side.

Sheepish brandyshine boxcars

lining up sullenly to roll deeper into the ocean shrouded mists

and forlorn entanglements of my wicked lost mind.

The Little Green Flash:

I used to love you so much that it hurt my

tender heart and my lungs would

expand delicious rosebuds in my trembling breast

just to think of you.

Now I walk backwards and just in time to mention
that I still love you the same way.

But this time and space thing?
It fucking sucks, you know.

If I thought you were still cynical I'd probably just add some fresh fuel to your fire and say:

I never meant anything I ever said in my whole life.
Why start believing me now?

Moon-light bicycle rides through the playgrounds of my old schools.

Alienation and the untimely demise of Rum Tum Tugger.

Sunsets, Wine & Song. Poems and beautiful books.

Painting and animals.

The anxiety and the secret insomnias.

The night visitors.

All these things and more

made the child wildly alone.

Seize me, you shameless bitch of a day who comes down hard off the slope of my life

sugaring me sweet like moon drugz and amnesia and all the while an axe held behind your back.

Seize me, hollow day. Cast me into the dust and just end me now.

Tuesday: wandering.

Tuesday: found.

Red eyes drama suicide. Check.

Never lose your mind-control on me.

Never let me out of the bag.

Never let me slip thru your pine-pitch

Northern finger-tips, Love of mine. Check.


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