Tuesday, June 1, 2010


My life,
where every tree another wish,
a spirit borne laughing
in each

coils 'round me tight like the clouds
before rain.

Dripping like comets through
ethereal twilight
I set off to find
a trace of you.

Starry drifts are new to me
youll have to excuse my wonder..

After all the nights spent huddled in icy air
it grows within me so that I can not contain the warm water and starlight
you give to me.

Fire is one that made my life's chant stronger
Yet it cannot breathe nor burn in me any longer.

The brown earth in all it's shades
can support me
Yet it shall never cover me,
nor fill me.

It is air, rarified and pure that I find
expanding me and squeezing my frame
to infinite need.

I linger where the air is cool
and return to the summers
where the air is warm.

The rain will fill the hollows
where my steps last tread
but will never fill me,
ever again.

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