Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Stars adrift, drown in my voice

ancient sap rises in the soul

& in through blue windows,

flies the evening bird..

Ether'd drift of Night envelops me

a succinct spirit rises

and forms light in cirrus.

Dark days backlashing

in so many minutes I see the world

fraught with

holy fire,

I lay drunken and weeping

at the feet

of harsh gods.

Long live the grass fires burning

up the books, the laughter

and the mind on fire with wild deviation from


and in thru the walls of

single cells,

green sea-foam nocturne.

Oh wind-scorched nebulae:

the last glitter of Earth's symphony

cannot capture your heart;

is this truly what

you want to say?

I walk like a ghost on fire with

Love, with scorn and hatred

I walk like twilight dancing on your face,

I walk like sick and injured birds

away from you,

as if I had no other choice.

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