Monday, June 7, 2010

The Gift

For John M.
I miss you so much when the summer stars swarm over our salty seas..
Chalito humma nakni !

Time was a haze that set forth from the sea;

Our glasses shone & foamed and a gentleness

rose from your depths like the sun.

Later, when my hands went to grasp

your flowering gifts, your soul, kingly

and ancient, went gold like the wind.

Your gifts gave me something new and never-ending,

A sweet hymn I often hear in my blue days.

You came strong and vanished like a storm of light.

My Medicine Man. The Good Doctor. Handsome Ghost of a Druid King.
Brilliant German-Jewish Jungian Psychoanalyst. Generous. Sensitive. Caring. A Gentleman. A Scholar. Firefly Kid. Bee-charmer. Harvard Professor. Goofy & Gangly. Loved a Good Vodka Buzz and Song. Protecter. Athletic. A Totally Crazy Man. Motherless Man-Child.
Holy Man. Shaman. Guru. Wicked Smart-ass. Rabid Red Sox Fan. Democrat. Beautiful. Truly Libran. Exotic. My friend...
Chilito humma Nakni, NAKNI!!!! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER, JEM!!!

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